John Corley already stated this, but I’m going to go a step further. Dynamic languages teach sloppy style because they don’t enforce good style. Novice programmers do whatever they can to make things work. If the language lets them make things work with horrible code, they spend a lot of time practicing writing horrible code. Then they get to spend a lot more time unlearning what they practiced as they get to the point where they can write good code. Learning about types systems is also a really important part of programming, and when you start with languages like Python, JS, and Ruby you miss out on that.
There is another factor here too. It is well established that in teaching, quick feedback is better than slow feedback. Statically typed compiled languages point out errors faster and often give more information about what is wrong as well. In a dynamically typed language, you find out about most of your typos or other silly mistakes when you run the program and happen to execute that specific code path. In a statically typed language, you get that information early. If you happen to be using an IDE, it often appears immediately as a red underscore at the point where you messed up. If you don’t have that quick feedback you waste a lot of time figuring out what went wrong and often get pointed to the wrong place.
There isn’t much research comparing learning across languages, but the only work I know that involved Python gave a strong indication that Python really isn’t a good choice because students actually struggle more with it ( The decision of starting language should include a lot more than “what is popular”. (I have to note that this post completely falls down on even that when it mentions Ruby and put Java third while it has the most jobs.) The novice is learning something very new and is likely to keep learning. I wrote a post going over all the things that I think should be considered for this decision a while back, and all the languages you list score poorly for various reasons(